Would you like to make a difference in your community and at The Hope Center?
Consider joining the Hope Team
We are folks committed to seeing The Hope Center’s “Dream” of seeing all come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and being equipped to fully follow Him become reality!
The Hope Team is a dynamic group of volunteers committed to serving together to meet the needs of the church while building eternal relationships!
There is no journey more exciting or fulfilling than the road of discipleship. Serving others is an important step in that journey. We believe that everyone has a gift or talent to be used in the church and we are all called to serve.
If you would like to serve on a the Hope Center Team, or would like to know more about it, please fill out the below.
Hope Team Opportunities
First Impressions Team
Our Guest Service Team includes our greeters, connectors and ushers who serve one Sunday per month.
Next Steps Team
Next Steps exists to help seekers grow into a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. As part of the Next Steps Team you will help others know their God give gift and where they can serve each other and God.
Prayer Team
Our prayer team consists of people who have a heart to pray or a heart to learn to pray!
Production Team
A fun, energetic ministry where you can use your love for organization, computer and media all in one.
Plan Your Visit Team
Our Plan Your Visit Team are on a mission to help people have a first hand experience into what Hope Center is all about.
Small Groups Team
The purpose of our Small Groups are to bring people together to learn, to grow and to build relationships.
Hope Students Team
Our Hope Students team consist of people with a passion to see our students serve God with all their hearts.
Hope Kids Team
Our Hope Kids team is and exciting ministry that provides tools for our children and youth to explore, expand and build their faith.