Got questions?
Everyone has questions, what about you?
We know that everyone has questions about life, the Bible, Knowing of Jesus and knowing about Jesus and what it all means. Whenever there is a doubt or question in life, Jesus has an answer for you and for your situation. We would love to give you a Bible study and help you know Jesus..
Water Baptism
Raised to Life in Baptism
We believe that baptism is essential for salvation. Water baptism is an act of obedience which signifies our union with Jesus in death to sin, burial of the old nature, and resurrection to new life. Baptisms at the Hope Center are done as part of worship and celebration. When you are ready and God is leading you to be baptized, our pastors will discuss it with you and pray with you in making this bold and beautiful decision. We offer baptisms in a variety of ways and will be happy to discuss with you all opportunities for baptism in the near future.
Tell Your Story
Every person who walks through our doors has a story.
You have a life that has been impacted by others and you have impacted other’s lives. You matter to us and we want to hear your story. Tell us your story.
Our Mission and Vision
Real People Real Hope
We Exist as a place where Real People can find Real Hope in Jesus!
Welcome Home Party
It's not about us
Welcome Home! If you are a First Time Guest, we want you here! We are excited about what God is doing in your life and others around you.
You are invited to come and see what the Hope Center is all about!
– Meet our Pastors and staff
– Learn about life at The Hope Center
– Meet others who are new to the church
– Find out next step options!
– Enjoy great food